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QuaranTV Day 60! Season Finale?
6.9 Call it dosing. Call it load management. Call it predictive. Whatever we decide to call it......just know that when we stay on the right side of "it", we can minimize injury, illness and disease risk. Dive a little deeper to learn how in this FINAL EPISODE of QTV Season 1
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 49 - Round 10 RECOVER - details
5.22 Can RECOVER be dialed in and customized? Well....according to Brown University the answer is a resounding YES. It takes a little self-experimentation and won't always happen quickly but understanding exactly when to go to bed, when to get up and how best to get rest is exactly what these folks are trying to solve.
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 47 - Round 10 - MOVE down into the details
5.20 The details matter! Precision medicine is the idea that every person is unique and therefore the best ways to improve health may ALSO be unique. If this is true, can use the principle to "dial in" fitness as well? Answer is a definite maybe :) .....If we judge our MOVE needs by our RECOVER experience
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 45 - Round 9 - Micro ENDURE
5.18 Is it possible to cultivate resilience in a fast way? Yes and No.....because time is of course relative. If fast is measured against a human lifespan.....well, YES, there are 4 different ways that take less than 0.2% of a typical lifespan. If "fast" is measured against a few minutes for instant results.....well, sort-of but not really. One of the fastest we could find took only 4 days......+/- 0.01% of a life if you like the math. :)
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 41 - Round 8 - Measuring CONNECT
5.12 How can you measure your CONNECT? The short answer is, it's complicated but important. The longer answer is, the quantity, geography, quality and depth of relationships ALL factor in to our health, with the sense of "belonging" particularly important.
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 40 - Round 8 - Measuring ENDURE
5.11 Next steps on our journey to "measure". Can you measure your stress in a quick and valid way? Yes. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is such a tool. If you want to see how you do, try this online tool bemindfulonline.com/test-your-stress
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 36 - Round 7 - CONNECT
5.5 Is CONNECT just about a sensation? Feeling close? Or is there more to it. Coherence is a concept that might help us to answer this question. Dive in and learn more about how being CONNECTED can be very real even without proximity and a few ways to stimulate it.
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 33 - Round 7 - FUEL
4.30 Goldilocks and the prickly pear? It may not be how you remember hearing the story but "not too little, not too much, just right" is a critically important concept right now. In toxicology it's called "hormesis" and this episode covers how to get the effect from FUEL.
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 32 - Round 7 - MOVE Neck Deep
4.29 It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is......normalizing his blood pressure! Yep, exercise can dramatically improve some of the health risks making COVID19 particularly scary.....and doing them underwater might be even better yet. Here's why.
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 31 - Round 6 - CONNECT - Group Flow
4.28 There is something to be said for being totally immersed in an activity. They call it "flow" and it can be experienced by individuals and groups. It is powerful stuff that binds groups, teams and even entire villages. Although there is no consensus as to what the root factors are, it seems that arousal and mimicry can help!
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 19 - Round 4 COVID19 on ENDURE
4.10 Does meditation lower stress enough to lower inflammation markers? Yes. Particular types, such as those that help us to "be in the moment" appear to work well, especially for those with higher baseline levels of inflammation and for men more than women. This video dives in deeper youtu.be/7kblkFJmriM?t=1553
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 10: CONNECT
3.30 Outward facing behavior, keeping the "good of the whole" in mind, is both good for society and for us personally. With a projected peak in the next 2 weeks across the US now is a great time to take care of everyone by taking care of ourselves (and staying healthy enough to NOT need critical hospital beds).
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 6: The Routine/ Experiment Balance
3.24. If your brain feels a bit scrambled right now you're not alone. Build a routine streak or experiment a little, both can be helpful getting through this.
Here's the example recipe: White Bean, Sweet Potato and Kale Soup
Host: Mike E.
QuaranTV Day 3: RECOVER
3.19. Sleep and the immune system.....get your zzzzz.....
Host: Mike E.
Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker>>https://vimeo.com/398930585/3f4babee80
QuaranTV Day 2: FUEL
Can what you eat and how much make a difference as to the inflammation & immune response? Yes.
Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker >> https://vimeo.com/398576671/051b179a0d
QuaranTV Day 1: MOVE
MOVE to boost your immune system
Host: Mike E.
Click on the video to watch and share this link with a coworker >> https://vimeo.com/398312754/a32e52a662
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